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Initiate Application

  1. To enable a Merchant to process payments with getpaid, the platform initiates the onboarding for the Merchant calling /applications. This call will just initiate an onboarding application for the Merchant.

  2. The /applications API is secured, and the platform will have to pass a JWT token to /applications , the token will be obtained calling /token endpoint.

  3. The response contains the URL which the platform will have to send to the Merchant, so the Merchant can provide the required information for the checks. The _links.redirect.href field contains the hosted onboarding page URL. Platforms should redirect the Merchant to this URL so they can complete the onboarding process.

The following diagram shows the flow and actors to initiate an onboarding application :

sequenceDiagram Platform->>getpaid:Initiate merchant onboarding with POST to /aplications . getpaid->>Platform:Returns hosted onboarding URL Platform->>Merchant: Redirect to the hosted onboarding URL Merchant->>getpaid: Fill all the required info on the onboarding page Note over getpaid: Checks and validates provided info Note over getpaid: Enables payments for merchant getpaid->>Platform: Notify progress on onboarding checks

Sample /applications request

You can see all details of the /application API.


Sample request

curl --location --request POST '' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {{your_access_token}}' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"applicant": {
"email": "",
"first_name": "Jon",
"last_name": "Smith"
"currencies": [
"integration": {
"type": "hosted"
"language": "en",
"reference": "merch-001",
"urls": {
"webhook": ""

Sample responses

"id": "app_44678r08jtm8zbt227tzhc4nw5",
"reference": "merch-001",
"merchant_id": "acc_4zjjxn0nm1tnweqbttedkvnsc8",
"_links": {
"redirect": {
"href": ""

Application status

We send webhook notifications when the compliance checks on an application are completed.

Application SucceededApplication compliance checks are completed successfully.
Application Action RequiredMore information is needed in order to complete the compliance checks.