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Version: v2alpha1

Buyer notifications using the API

Default notifications provides with a centralized way to specify the notifications that will be sent to a buyer (receive_invoices capability) once an invoice is issued.

Optionally, it is also possible to configure default notifications at the seller (issue_invoices capability) level. In order to achieve that, it is required to contact the getpaid support team indicating what's the seller and the desired email configuration.


1. Set up default notifications

The default notifications are configured in notifications within the capabilities.receive_invoices.settings block as part of the capability receive_invoices configuration.

The notifications can be specified during the account creation by calling POST /accounts or at any time when updating the account by calling PATCH /accounts/{account_id}.


In the case of active subscriptions, if the default notification options are deleted from the buyer (or seller) accounts, no notifications would be sent every time a new invoice is issued.


PATCH /accounts/{account_id}
"capabilities": {
"receive_invoices": {
"enabled": true,
"settings": {
"notifications": [
"type": "email",
"to": [""],
"cc": [""],
"bcc": [""]


200 OK
"id": "acc_4567107zf94k842z8511n9c7dt",
"version": "20241217132818130",

2. Issue invoice with default notifications

The default notifications can be used when creating standalong invoices by calling POST /invoices or for recurring subscriptions.

The request must include a single notification of type all_defaults within the buyer.notifications array.


POST /invoices
"buyer": {
"notifications": [
"type": "all_defaults"


201 Created
"id": "inv_4ehg1mkv3mvt3256vcn8dspb4h",