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Version: v2alpha1


getpaid provides a Postman collection to test the API features in sandbox. Request an onboarding call with our customer success team to get a platform account and start testing the API.

  1. Download the Postman collection and environments for getpaid API:

  2. Import the collection into your Postman app.

    Import Postman collection and environments

    Import Postman collection and environments

  3. Set up the environment variables with your account data. By default, they are filled with <your value> or <your secret value>.

    Set your variables

    Set your variables

  4. Authorize requests generating an access token. The collection provides a request to generate an access token and set it for the following requests.

    Authorize requests

    Authorize requests

  5. Chain the requests reusing the variables between them. The collection provides a set of requests to test the API, some of them set some variables so they can be reused in further requests.

    Chain requests

    Chain requests